
Friday, April 11, 2014

Collector's Items

I remember going to friends houses as a child and seeing their collections of Barbies, Hot Wheels, Beanie Babies, or American Girl dolls. These things were all considered normal items to have collections of. While I thought they were great things for my friends to collect, I never really got into collecting such things.

So, what did I collect? My collector's items were limited to mostly tiny packets of jelly that I stole from tables at restaurants, and rolly pollies that I stole from the playground at preschool. It is true. I loved both of those things, and I tried to collect an abundance of each.

photo credit: Acradenia via photopin cc

In fact, my mom loves to tell people about the time that she took me to Disneyland, and I dropped my little plastic purse full of jellies off our hotel balcony. Naturally, I was devastated. I talked my mom into going down to rescue the purse full of jellies. When I got there, I was faced with the ugly truth. And what was that ugly truth? My jellies had exploded inside the plastic purse, and it was a sticky mess. I cried. My mom rolled her eyes. I got over it eventually, but I'll never forget.

As for the rolly pollies, I dedicated many a recess to searching for those critters and putting them inside my pants pockets. I'm not sure what I loved so much about those little guys, but it's safe to say that I had a full blown obsession. When my mom did laundry, she was always guaranteed to find a small handful of rolly pollies from the pockets of my pants.

So there you go. I was sort of a weird kid, but who wasn't? 

Readers, what did you collect when you were a kid? Did you have any weird obsessions?


  1. I collected football cards from roughly age 5-6 up through my junior year of high school I still have my collection, mainly because I don't have the heart to sell it/get rid of it.

    1. It's hard to get rid of things sometimes. I'm a really sentimental person, and I can never throw away letters or cards that people send me. I keep them all in a huge overstuffed envelope.

  2. roly polys like the little bugs?? i agree they're cute and all, but it's a little nutso to round up a whole flock of them! i don't have one "thing" i collect, i just accumulate teeny pieces of everything wherever i go. lucky me, my house has an awesome built-in curio cabinet thing so i have a place to stash my rocks/tiny plastic animals/dice/etc

    1. Yes, the little bugs! I am not sure why, but I loved those little things when I was in preschool. Sounds like you have a mini museum in your house :)

  3. I collect all of the things as well. Especially paper. My parents are about to move and I might have to let go of a bunch of school papers from 7th grade. I'm trying not to be too broken up about it. I just never throw anything away -- I constantly save things for later.

    1. I always save papers and stuff like that too, just not the important ones that I need for tax purposes and stuff like that. Ha ha. I can't throw away a letter or a card that anyone sends me on my birthday or a holiday. I love those, and I will probably have one giant box of them someday.

  4. I was one of those girls that collected Beanie Babies... I still have a few of the more expensive ones packed away.

    1. I actually had a couple of Beanie Babies, but I never got that into collecting them. I was all about the tiny packets of Smuckers.
