
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tickled Tuesday: Books

Indecisively Blogging

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It's Tickled Tuesday again, and this time our chosen topic is books--more specifically, books that make us smile and/or laugh. I suppose you can say these books tickle us.

Here is a stack of my favorites that I pulled from my bookshelf:

All of these books have the ability to keep me up at night with the reading light on, laughing crazy-like until the wee hours. I won't type up a summary for each book; Amazon can do that for you. What I will do is provide you with a favorite quote from each book.

Here is my list of my favorites and a quote to go along with each one:

Naked by David Sedaris: “I haven't the slightest idea how to change people, but still I keep a long list of prospective candidates just in case I should ever figure it out.”

Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris: “On my fifth trip to France I limited myself to the words and phrases that people actually use. From the dog owners I learned "Lie down," "Shut up," and "Who shit on this carpet?" The couple across the road taught me to ask questions correctly, and the grocer taught me to count. Things began to come together, and I went from speaking like an evil baby to speaking like a hillbilly. "Is thems the thoughts of cows?" I'd ask the butcher, pointing to the calves' brains displayed in the front window. "I want me some lamb chop with handles on 'em."

Hyperbole And A Half by Allie Brosh: “No one could tell me not to eat an entire cake—not my mom, not Santa, not God—no one. It was my cake and everyone else could go fuck themselves.” 

Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls by David Sedaris: “In the beginning, I was put off by the harshness of German. Someone would order a piece of cake, and it sounded as if it were an actual order, like, 'Cut the cake and lie facedown in that ditch between the cobbler and the little girl'.” 

Dad Is Fat by Jim Gaffigan: "Nobody likes being a new kid. It's uncomfortable and strange. People are mean and call you dog breath."

Wait a second...there's more favorites on my Kindle!

Bossypants by Tina Fey: “It is an impressively arrogant move to conclude that just because you don’t like something, it is empirically not good. I don’t like Chinese food, but I don’t write articles trying to prove it doesn’t exist.” 

Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson: “A friend is someone who knows where all your bodies are buried. Because they're the ones who helped you put them there."
And sometimes, if you're really lucky, they help you dig them back up.” 

So there you have it. I love my books, especially the funny ones. What books make you laugh? Go ahead and share them in the comments or by linking up below if you have a blog of your own.

PS, I realize that I just wrote an entire entry consisting of mostly quotes written by others. I cited them. What do you want from me?

PPS, I could have included even more David Sedaris books, but I made myself only choose 3.


  1. I haven't read any of the books you have listed, but I do own, "Naked," I only wish I had more time to read! I really miss it! Thanks for sharing your favorites!

    1. I'll admit that I haven't been reading as much lately either, and I am starting to feel like I'm missing something. I have a handful of books on my bookshelf that I haven't read yet--all of which are probably great books. It makes me sad that I've neglected them!!

  2. did you ever read the "Angus, Thongs" books when you were in middle/high school? they're very YA but legit-lol funny. my mom recently brought up a box-o-crap from my old room and they were in there; i'm looking forward to re-reading them as a grownup

    1. Ha ha ha! Yes, I definitely read those books. I thought they were hilarious. I'm sure I'd still think they're hilarious. I loved those and the Jessica Darling Series. Well, mostly just the first two books of that series: Sloppy Firsts and Second Helpings.

  3. The only one of these books I've ready is Allie Brosh's book, though Bossypants is on my to-read list for this year. I'm not very familiar with Sedaris' work, however he seems to be very polarizing.

    1. I happen to love David Sedaris (obviously). I love his dry wit, his fascination with odd things, and just the way he looks at life in general. He's not for everyone, but he is definitely my favorite.

      Also, what did you think of Allie's book? I personally loved it. She's hilarious, yet also so easy to relate to. It's always amazing when someone can write about everyday life and make it sound so amusing.

      Also, I hope you enjoy Bossypants! Tina Fey is brilliant!
